Dietary Practices 101

Food Tips

Dietary Practices 101

Many people begin to reevaluate areas in their life when the New Year approaches. Goals created at the start of a new year can revolve around finances, academics, personal growth, health, and many more! A popular change people make around this time are their dietary practices and eating habits. People change their dietary practices for many reasons; for health reasons, moral reasons, environmental reasons, or appearance reasons. There are so many different dietary options that provide different benefits and motivators. If you are looking to change your eating habits at the start of the new year, DineMarket is here to help! Here is our brief overview of a variety of dietary practices so you can choose the right fit for you:

Vegan Dietary Practice:

The vegan diet is a plant-based diet that excludes any food made from animals. This means that people who are vegan do not eat things like meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, honey, and other foods. There are many substitutes that can be used in place of these items. Foods like beans, nuts, and seeds provide protein and healthy fat and certain vegetables, like broccoli, are high in calcium and other nutrients. With the creation of nut/oat milk, plant-based meat, and dairy substitutes, the possibilities of a vegan diet are endless!

Some of the reasons people may choose a vegan dietary practice include health benefits, moran concerns, and environmental concerns. According to WebMD, people on plant-based diets tend to have better heart health, are less likely to get diabetes, and receive many other health-related benefits. Some of the moral concerns that can motivate people to practice a vegan diet are inhumane factory practices, poor working conditions, humanitarian reasons, and the belief that animals should not be killed or used for food. Amongst the health benefits and moral motivators, there is also a motivator related to environmental concerns. Those who choose a vegan eating practice may be motivated to do so because of the negative impact that the meat industry has on the environment.

Vegetarian Dietary Practice:

The vegetarian diet is a plant-based diet that excludes any kind of meat, seafood, or poultry. Unlike vegans, vegetarians eat dairy, eggs, and honey. Vegetarians use similar substitutes as vegans for protein, but eat traditional dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. The reasons for practicing a vegetarian diet are very similar to the typical reasons for practicing a vegan diet. Health benefits, moral, and ethical concerns can all play a role in a person’s choice to practice a vegetarian diet.

Pescatarian Dietary Practice:

The pescatarian diet has seafood as its only source of meat. People who follow a pescatarian diet choose to eat a typical vegetarian diet with the addition of fish and other seafood. This kind of dietary practice allows for many of the benefits of a plant-based diet while including some meat. A large motivator for people to use this dietary practice are environmental concerns. Because the majority of the environmental concerns come from rising livestock, people who want to include meat in their diet and are concerned about the environment find the pescatarian dietary practice a good option.

Mediterranean Dietary Practice:

Similar to the pescatarian dietary practice is the Mediterranean dietary practice. The Mediterranean dietary practice was inspired by the eating habits of those in Greece and Italy. Someone who chooses the Mediterranean dietary practice will eat a plant diet with an emphasis on fish, seafood, whole grains, and olive oil. People with this dietary practice rarely eat poultry, red meat, eggs, and dairy. It does not include the consumption of added sugar, processed meats, or other highly processed foods. Similar to the pescatarian dietary practice, the Mediterranean is popular because of its environmental and health benefits.

Raw Food Dietary Practice:

The raw food dietary practice is described by its name. This dietary practice includes raw foods only. This means that someone that practices this diet will not eat anything that has been heated/cooked and will not eat pasteurized or processed foods. Usually, this is a plant-based diet composed of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Sometimes people choose to consume raw eggs, dairy, or meat as a part of this dietary practice. This diet typically includes a variety of different preparation methods like blending, dehydrating, or juicing. People who choose the raw food dietary practice can receive the same benefits and motivators as other plant-based diets.

The Ketogenic Diet:

The ketogenic diet or “keto” diet is a unique diet that is high in fats and low in carbs. People who choose this dietary practice choose their own ratios of fats, proteins, and carbs. In these ratios, healthy fats (meat, fish, eggs, nuts, oils, and oils) are the largest and carbs are the lowest. The keto diet takes advantage of the state of the human body which uses fat for fuel instead of carbs. Typically, the motivators for participating in the keto diet involve potential weight loss and added health benefits.

The Paleo Diet:

Otherwise known as “the caveman diet”, the paleo diet is designed to mimic a diet of someone from the Paleolithic era. Because of this, the foods that are in this dietary practice are ones that could have been found when hunting or gathering. Fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean meats are the main components of the paleo dietary practice. A main motivator for people to choose this dietary practice are the health benefits. Because the modern diet stereotypically consists of processed junk food, this diet gains its appeal in bringing people back to the natural diet of humans. Therefore, this dietary practice provides health benefits that relate to cutting fat, processed foods, excess sugar, and chemicals from the diet.

Remember, a changed diet is not a requirement at the start of the new year! The most important thing is to live a happy and healthy life that nourishes your body and mind. If you choose to change your dietary practices this year, consider all of the options so you can choose the right fit for you! With fresh food and a collection of recipes, DineMarket is here to help you on your journey to a healthy life.

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