Author - Guy Praisler

june seasonal produce guide

What’s in Season? June Produce Guide

Happy June to All Our Friends! We’ve been waiting for this! The sight of lush greenery and cultivated fields spreading across the countryside. Each year, the month of June blesses us with a bountiful, fruit-heavy harvest. And it’s not just the fruit: so many freshly gathered veggies are now available for...

Is it safe to eat pre-cut fruit

Pre-cut Fruit 101: The WoWs, Worries, And What You Should Know

Whole produce will always cost you less than its pre-cut alternatives. The reason is highly intuitive, as the prep, treatment, and extra(-pretty) wrapping going into that nicely pre-sliced fruit amount to an overall higher cost (according to some sources, as much as three times the original price!). But is that extra...